Sunday, May 24, 2015

Period two- Lateen ship

Lateen sail, the triangular sail that was of major importance to medieval navigation. The ancient square sail permitted sailing only before the wind; the lateen was the earliest fore-and-aft sail. The triangular sail was affixed to a long yard or crossbar, mounted at its middle to the top of the mast and angled to extend aft far above the mast and forward down nearly to the deck. The sail, its free corner secured near the stern, was capable of taking the wind on either side, and, by enabling the vessel to tack into the wind, the lateen immensely increased the potential of the sailing ship.
Based on the theory, lateen ship was most likely originated from Persia or Arab in which Muslim sailors were responsible for introducing the lateen sails to the Mediterranean. Following its widespread in Mediterranean, it endured a massive diffusion in the Indian Ocean Basin. Commerce and trade were boosted by the sail that cooperated with the monsoon wind. The invention of lateen ship represents the new discovery of technology and the further understanding of the environment. Human could now expand on the structure of the lateen sail and process it into a more advance transportation tool.
Interaction between human and the environment- technology: the unique structure of the lateen sail that allows it to go against the wind combined with the advantage of the monsoon wind enabled the sail across the ocean to be more convenient.
Cultural- science and technology: The lateen sail fixed the flaws of the earlier square sails in which now sail towards any direction without being disturbed by the wind.
Economy- trade and commerce: Lateen ship contributed to the prosperity of the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean trade commerce by enabled more efficient sailing.

Lateen sail | sail. (2015). Retrieved from

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