Sunday, May 24, 2015

Period one- The 1st Pyramid in Egypt

The Pyramid of Djoser was built during the 2700BCE for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser by Imhotep, his vizier. It is the central feature of a vast mortuary complex in an enormous courtyard surrounded by ceremonial structures and decoration. Extensive use of stone made the tomb more durable than ealier constructions and the pyramid was the largest building of its time.
Djoser was the first pyramid in Egypt and it completely presents the divine right of the pharaoh in which peasants were forced to honour their pharaoh by building the pyramid. The pyramid proves the existence of the belief of afterlife during the era and shows the extensive knowledge of architecture of ancient Egyptians.
This artifact plays a significant part in world history due to its showcase of extensive religious belief. The pharaohs spent their whole life on directing the construction of their pyramid in the hope of having a serene afterlife. Moreover, the citizens were forced to build the pyramids due to the belief that the pharaoh is the son of God.
Political- forms of government: The pharaoh was viewed as the Sun God during the ancient Egyptian era. Peasants were expected to serve the pharaoh and even spend all of their lifetime on building the pyramid.
Cultural- belief system: The purpose of the pyramid was to make sure the pharaoh will live a pleasant afterlife. This is the evidence that proves the existence of the belief in afterlife in Egypt.
Cultural- architecture: The step pyramid is the first pyramid in Egypt that affected later on pyramids such as the ziggurat
Economic- The pyramid became a famous tourist site in Egypt that boosted the economy around the area.

N. (1996). National Geographic: Egypt--Step Pyramid of Djoser, Saqqara. Retrieved from
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